Fall Prevention Tips: How to Avoid Seasonal Accidents

Preventing a fall is easier than recovering from one. With a little planning and the right strategy, the risk of falling for seniors—and the injuries that can incur—can be dramatically reduced.


Fall Prevention for Seniors

According to the National Council on Aging, one-fourth of Americans aged 65 and over fall each year. In addition, falls are the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common cause of nonfatal trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults.  

By taking a fall risk assessment and making the right adjustments, older individuals or those providing their care can take measures to avoid accidents year-round.

Every season has its own unique risks for an unexpected fall and resulting injury. However, fall time brings a bustle of activity and with it an increased risk of falling for seniors. Many dive into pre-festivity season deep-cleaning or winterizing homes; falling leaves hide obstacles that can cause a slip or stumble. And there are the additional hazards as the decorations of this signature season come out of storage.

Falling does not have to be part of aging.

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We’ve compiled a list of ways to avoid falls for seniors. Assessing the risks in the home in addition to some general precautions can help seniors avoid seasonal accidents.

Eliminate hidden fall risk in the home:

  • Install handrails, guardrails or grab bars where falls may occur.

  • Remove clutter, such as cords from electronics or decorations.

  • Place non-slip mats in the kitchen, bathroom, and entry ways.

  • Make items accessible for those with limited or restricted mobility.

  • Improve the lighting. Many falls occur due to poor visibility in the home.

Take these steps to avoid a fall:

  • Exercise regularly. Get moving to stay flexible and fall-proof.

  • Check with your physician. Review medications and ask for a risk assessment.

  • Have hearing and vision checked. It may not be your balance that is the issue.

  • Wear the right shoes. Slip-proof shoes and shorter heels reduce falls.

  • Slow down. Many accidents happen when we are in a hurry. (Be late and avoid a break).

  • Use a walking aid or mobility device for extra balance and support.

Falls are preventable.

Falls Prevention Week is highlighted every September as part of Healthy Aging Month, an annual occurrence to raise awareness about the positive aspects of growing older.

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