Spark Safety: Tips to Avoid Firework Injuries

July is finally here, and you know what that means—fireworks season! We all love watching the colors light up the night sky, but it’s important to not forget about safety amidst all the excitement.

Smiling child holding flag at 4th July family gathering

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s latest report, firework-related injuries climbed 25% in the U.S. between 2006 and 2021. An estimated 1,500 ER-treated injuries associated with fireworks occurred in 2021, with the most common injuries being to the hands and fingers followed by the head, face and ears.

Sparklers can be just as dangerous as explosive fireworks, which alone account for more than 25% of emergency room visits for firework-related injuries.

At OrthoArkansas, we want your summer celebrations to be memorable but above all accident-free. Let’s take a look at some helpful firework safety tips.


There are some basic guidelines that should always be followed when handling fireworks. Here’s a list of the don'ts:


  • Allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks, including sparklers.

  • Place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting. 

  • Point or throw fireworks (including sparklers) at anyone.

  • Hold fireworks after lighting. 

  • Put fireworks in your pockets or clothing.

  • Touch the lit end of fireworks at any time.

  • Use fireworks while impaired.

Now that you have the basics, here’s a list of the DO’s that can help you enjoy fireworks more safely.


Know your local laws & regulations 

Know your local laws. Each community has rules to prevent accidents and fires. Learn about designated areas, permitted dates and times, and age restrictions. Make responsible choices when buying, storing, and using fireworks.

Ensure a safe launch spot 

Always choose a safe launch spot. Find an open area with enough distance from people and property. Let others know when you're about to light fireworks to avoid accidents. Keep a fire extinguisher or garden hose closeby in case of fires.

Read the instructions

Don't skip the instructions. Every firework is unique, so read the guidelines on the packaging. Learn how to launch and light them properly. It only takes a moment and can prevent accidents.

Keep your distance from misfires

Never relight a malfunctioning firework. They can behave unpredictably and cause injuries or fires. Move away from it and dispose of it properly.

With the right precautions, you can keep safety front and center this summer. Stay safe and have a blast!

Hannah Norwood