Unmasking the Myths of Exercising in the Heat: Stay Cool, Stay Safe!

Let's talk about exercising in the heat and debunk some common myths. Grab your water bottle and sunscreen, and let's get started. We'll also share tips on how to cool down when it gets hot.

Smiling active senior people jogging together in the park

“Exercising in the heat burns more calories.”

Even though it may feel like you're working harder in the heat, the number of calories you burn depends on the intensity and duration of your exercise, not the temperature or how much you sweat. Stick to a regular workout routine and find shade or cool places to exercise.

“Heat-related illnesses only happen to unfit individuals.”

Heat-related illnesses can affect anyone, regardless of fitness level. Even experienced athletes can suffer from heat exhaustion or heatstroke if they don't take precautions. Pay attention to your body, acclimate to the heat gradually, wear sunscreen, and stay hydrated.

“Wearing extra layers of clothing helps you lose weight faster.”

Wearing excessive clothing in the heat doesn't lead to long-term weight loss. It can actually increase the risk of overheating and dehydration. Dress in lightweight, breathable fabrics and avoid excessive layers. Remember, more sweat doesn't mean a better workout.

“Pace yourself and listen to your body.” 

It's true! Pace yourself and listen to your body's signals. Start with shorter workouts and lower intensities, gradually increasing them as you get used to exercising in the heat. If you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or overly fatigued, take a break, find shade, and cool down.

Here are some tips to cool down if you overheat:

  1. Stop exercising and find a cool, shaded area.

  2. Apply cold water or ice packs to your neck, head, and wrists.

  3. Stay hydrated with cool water or a sports drink.

  4. Seek ventilation or air-conditioning.

  5. Rest and fully recover before resuming physical activity.

Exercising in the heat can be exhilarating and challenging, but it's important to know the facts and stay safe. By understanding the truth behind common myths and knowing how to cool down, you can enjoy your workouts while staying cool and protected. Hydrate, protect your skin, and listen to your body. Stay cool and have a great summer workout!

Hannah Norwood