
Elbow injuries are common in sports that involve overhand throwing, like baseball and tennis. The constant, repetitive motion and overuse of the elbow can lead to inflammation of the tendons and micro-injuries to the bones. Other activities such as gardening, raking, and painting can also cause chronic pain that may not respond to conservative treatment. Because this joint is involved in so many of our daily tasks, injuries to the elbow can severely impact our lives. Fortunately, there is help at OrthoArkansas.

With great care and compassion, OrthoArkansas’ elbow specialists treat a wide variety of conditions and injuries of the elbow:

  • Biceps tendon tear at the elbow

  • Elbow replacement

  • Throwing injuries of the elbow

  • Tennis elbow other cumulative stress injuries

  • Golfer’s elbow

Our surgeons use the latest diagnostic and surgical techniques to pinpoint and correct your condition. Working closely with our hand, occupational, and physical therapists, they prescribe the treatment and therapy protocols that will help you regain pain-free use of your elbow.